Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Don't You Get Bored At Home?

"I'm not sure I should dignify this question with an answer." That was a quote my mama used often. "Young lady, I'm not sure I can dignify your question with an answer." (I know, makes no sense to me either.)

I'd like to ask a question myself that I'm sure the State officials in Louisiana won't dignify with an answer. Actually, the question was originally asked by a writing buddy of mine, Karen. She was puzzled about this and frankly, so am I. Karen's question was, "Did the state follow The Louisiana's Hurricane Emergency Plan? In the plan, the State was supposed to use city vehicles, school buses, etc. to evacuate the people when a mandatory evacuation was declared PRIOR to the hurricane."

And what about this question? Can we dignify it? "How come they MOVED the prisoners, over 6500, from low lying areas prior to the storm? I know you can't assign different values to human life, but why would they move prisoners and leave the general population to face this on their own?" Karen and I are pretty damn curious about that one.

I suppose, we all have a truck load of questions about that disaster we'd like to ask and will never get a straight answer. In the meantime, we'll watch CNN like everybody else. Maybe Wolf Blitzer can find out.

Oh, the original question - Do I get bored at home. Good Lord, no. I don't have time to get bored. I'm up 'til after midnight as it is. Is that dignified enough for ya? (Stay at home mothers everywhere can concur.)

Blessings to you and yours.

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