Saturday, April 29, 2006

Gardening Woes

It's a wreck. And it takes hours of backbreaking work to make it pretty again. Last year's weedy and overgrown garden looks like an orphan with long, stringy and matted hair.


The flower beds in the front have all bloomed and have been weeded and fertilized. New topsoil has been added and anyone driving down the street would think we know what we're doing. Ha!

Don't venture in the back yard. Other than the peony bush, which is beautiful, and the petunias that have reseeded themselves from the previous five years ... we need to spend a few weeks weeding and planting. But - never fear ... Michael is getting his farmer tan as we speak. He's plowed through half of the garden, pulled the worst of the weeds, worked the soil, and planted tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers and bell peppers. And radishes, let's not forget radishes.

The shed needs work, the flower bed all down the fence line needs a little TLC, and the deck needs painted, but other than that - it's still April (for two more days.) We'll get there.

We've always planted green beans (pole beans) by the deck. They wind up the side of the railings and it's beautiful, giving us pots of delicious beans for the supper table. Except last year, our little dog, Ariel, decided she liked snacking on green bean leafs. She ate off the tops of our deck beans, and that was that. Who knew ... our pooch likes salad.

So, you have my sympathy if you're buzzing the local greenhouses, nurserys, and Lowes this spring. Trying to fit in outside work with inside work. As much as I hate cold weather and winter, it does give you a rest from working in the yard. But then, as much as I bitch about it, I absolutely love it when it's all green, producing, and manicured.

Time to get out in the yard and pull and few weeds, plant a flower or two, and pull a few muscles.

Blessings to you and yours.

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