Sunday, January 01, 2006

Explosive 2006

The only thing explosive today has been me running to the bathroom!

After a night of New Years Eve fun (and it really was a great time, thanks Ed and Terry) I'm paying the piper today. Maybe I had a bit too much to eat and drink ... not doing that again anytime soon.

A New York City psychic (a well known psychic) told me in 2004 that 2005 was going to be my year of opportunities ... and she was right. It truly was that and more. Then she said 2006 was going to be explosive. Hmmm, what's that mean exactly. Explosive good or explosive bad?

I suppose if you're a psychic ... the word explosive just covers your butt for whatever way it turns out. Think?

My husband believes it's a good thing. He quotes it often. At times, his confidence level in me soars far above my own. But I depend on his cheerleading abilities to keep me going on those days when self-doubt rages.

I suppose today ... I'll not worry about it. There's so much to consider and take on in this world of writing. The business end of it is mind-boggling. Today is January 1st and my deadline for Southern Fried Woman is closing in fast. I've just spent the morning reading tons of information on the Internet about publishing. I'm on overload.

Time to drink a tall glass of water, pop another Tylenol, and take a nap.

All while I contemplate the word ... explosive.

Blessings to you and yours.

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