I even swore on the old needle and thread device. An old wives tale that if you thread a needle, then hold it over the wrist of any woman (the left wrist as it's closer to the heart) that you'll be able to see the sex and number of children you would or did have. The needle swings in a circle for a girl and back and forth for a boy. But now I find, it's hogwash. My little game bombed. And really ... it was a game.
These days, high tech is the name of the game inside the wombs of pregnant women everywhere. Our daughter-in-law is four-months pregnant and yesterday, we discovered ... (drumroll) ... it's a BOY! Our first grandson. Tentatively, Matthew Christopher, but that's subject to change as time goes on. In the meantime, we'll call him Matthew. And truthfully, I'm thrilled. Though I predicted a girl, who really cares? Really. I had one of each. Each child is a gift from God, not be hoped for one sex over the other.
(Of course, my father had three girls in a row and would not stop until Mama gave him a boy. But that was the 60s. Men got away with stuff like that back then.)
Today we are thankful for our little grandson that's all cocooned in his mommy's womb. He's perfect and growing properly. Everything looks great and Michael's son is ecstatic. Christopher will have a son to take to the games! This child will be wearing diapers that say, "Go Panthers!" Every onesie will be UNC blue for the Tarheels or Hockey Red for the Hurricanes. And when he's with Grandaddy Cable, he'll be dressed in Philadelphia Eagle Green.
Ah, life goes on! Enjoy the picture of our little punkin. Mommy Nicole carried her baby's picture all day and teared up every time she talked about him. Her first glimpse of her son.
What a miracle.
Blessings to you and yours.
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