Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Drop In A Bucket

I think sometimes, we writers feel like that. We're just a drop in a bucket ... an insignficant drop ... like all the rest of the drops made up to fill the bucket of books written for public consumption.

You can overwhelm yourself by looking at all the other drops out there. Where do we all fit in? And are all drops created equal?

I've been consuming blogs the past few days, blogs by authors as well as agents. Some blogs go right over my head. Just like ... whew! Over the top of my understanding. I can pick out sentences and certain paragraphs of interest ... hoping to learn some small nugget of truth that will set my writing world on fire, and then ... I think ... wow, they're way smarter than me. I don't know stuff like that ... they must've taught this stuff on the college level somewhere. For years.

And of course, there's the agents blogs that I ranted about yesterday ... and I'll not go into those again. Just that there are some interesting agents out there with high opinions of what they know ... let's leave it at that.

I begin to feel small, minute, and insignificant in the world of writing and publishing. I realize there are so many in the business that have been at it for decades, and are still waiting for their mountain-top experience. And then there's all the published and well-known bestselling authors that continue to fight to stay on top. (I think that's the most stressful place to be in.)

I go to the book expos and the writing conferences, and everyone is wanting a little piece of the fame and the recognition for their years of work.

.... all of us ... drops in a bucket.

But then, I realize ... I just finished a book, it's going to be published, and if I never do anything else with my writing career ... I'll have something out there that I wrote with my name on it that I'm proud of.

Let's hope this drop makes one hell of splash.

That's what we do it for in the end anyway ... because we have something to say, we want to write what matters to us, to be read. Not because we think we know so much more about writing and want to "prove it."

Besides ... they may have a blog with a thousand hits a day, or teach at writing conferences across the country ... but they're still (when you get down to it) ... just a drop in the bucket.

We all are.

Blessings to you and yours.

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