Tuesday, July 18, 2006

These Dreams

... I think it's an old 80s song by Heart. One that brings backs memories. Good and bad. Just like my dreams. Did you ever wake up and think, where the hell did that come from?

A dream. A story played inside your head as your body searches for rest and rejuvenation. I'm a vivid dreamer. Awake and asleep. When I sleep and dream, I often wake feeling as if I've worked all night long. The brain is a wondrous thing, isn't it? It keeps vast files on your life and weaves in a few of its own. I have many dreams about my children ... they can be at any age, and usually there's turmoil and I'm trying desperately to protect them.

Or there are the dreams of the house I grew up in. I swear this house was haunted. The dreams that stem from living in that house are never dreams I want to remember the next day. I have many dreams about tornados. And because of my fear of heights, any dreams where I'm falling ... I'll wake myself up. Usually.

Not all of my dreams are bad ... some are quite comical and I wish I could remember them. But usually, I forget all my dreams within the first hour after I wake up. That's a good thing, because I do have nightmares. The kind I scream in and my poor husband nearly has a heart attack.

I'd be a good case for a sleep analogy. Here's the thing ... unless it's a very good movie, I rarely watch horror movies. I don't read Sci Fi much. And I try to avoid news on TV that creeps me out. But I continue to dream wild and fantastic dreams ... every night. I'm sure some expert would have an answer as to why. But when it's half way through the day and I'm still trying to shake off the dream from the night before, do I wonder ... what did it mean?

I've always been like this. A dreamer. Many of my dreams, the few I remembered, have become parts of my stories. A few of my characters have actually introduced themselves to me in my dreams. I know -- crazy. There are those rare dreams, however, that have caused me to make decisions in my life based on the plot played in my head the night before. Other dreams just fade into the smoky abyss of morning and when I wake up, they're gone from memory.

I've seen the way people can react to a bad dream, or a dream that concerns them. Some folks believe they're seeing the future or are living in the midst of a dream. All I know is that this thing we do when we're asleep, this movie that plays in our heads ... is often too real as we sleep. What is it they tell us, that the brain only uses a small percentage of it's ability in your lifetime? So why did God put the whole thing in there, I wonder. Do you think possibly it's His way to communicate with us while we're sleeping?

Who knows? Right now, all I know is I worked too hard in the dreams I had last night ... I can't seem to wake up properly. Like I've been sawing logs ... literally.

These dreams I have need to transport me to someplace quiet tonight ... so I can sleep.

Blessings to you and yours.

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