Monday, August 06, 2012

Where Did It Begin?

Michael and me - New York City - Writing Conference

Taking a little break from Coal Dust On My Feet. Just for today. The reason, I've been reflecting on this journey, feeling weary, and wishing I had a crystal ball. Not an uncommon thought for most writers, I'm sure. But I remember thinking, after all the writing conferences, the hundreds of speaking engagements, the treks from one end of the country to the other, and wearing out one car after another, either we've completely lost our minds, or we're infected with a passion that cannot be stopped.

I've no doubt the good Lord knew the right person to bring into my life to continue this journey into the book world. It's been a full-time venture for me, since 2003. Before that, writing was only a dream. A dream I fit in between working a "job" and being a mom. I had another career once. Now so long ago, it seems like another lifetime. But this road less traveled has served me well. I've learned a great deal. I'm still learning.

So here we are again. On the verge of another book tour, and this one will take us into unknown territory. There's still a lot to do. But once in a while, you have to reflect on where you've come from to know where you're going. That's what I'm doing today.

It didn't begin in the 6th grade when I wrote that first story, or during years of writing in my journal, or pounding out short stories on an old IBM typewriter. For me, it began one day in 2002, when the man I was about to marry looked up from a manuscript and said, "This is a great story. Let's find a way for you to do this full-time."

And we never looked back. 

Blessings to you and yours.


Donna Samples said...

What a blessing to find such a wonderful companion on your journey. So happy for you.

marieab_43 said...

I want to say its nice meeting you.
Your writing is amazing and believe me I can understand your words excellent expression.
I love forward to reading more.