Monday, September 27, 2010

Forehead Knocker

It's a little ditty my mother taught me a long time ago. I taught it to my children, and now, I've taught it to my grandchildren.

You put the toddler on your lap, facing you. And you say ...

Forehead knocker (point the child's forehead)
Eye winker (point to one of the child's eyes)
Eye blinker (point to the other eye)
Nose dropper (point to the child's nose)
Rosemary (point to the child's cheek)
Rosecherry (point to the other cheek)
Mouth eater (point to the child's mouth)
Chin grinner (point to the child's chin - if it's a girl)
Then tickle her neck and say ... get her! get her! get her!
If it's a little boy on your lap, you point to his chin and say, Chin grin 'em
Then tickle his neck and say ... get him! get him! get him!

For an excellent example, go to my daughter-in-law's September 24, 2010 post at There you will see Andrew demonstrating it. Perfectly.

Blessings to you and yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have also taught it to my grandson as my grandmother taught it to me. This is our version:
Forehead knocker, Eye winker, (pointing to one eye), Tom Tinker (pointing to the other), Nose dripper, mouth eater and chin chopper. Then there's the tickling under the chin in the sugar bowl! He's 2 and he loves it and can do it with me now. Such fun.