Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Heartfelt Thank You To The Women Of The Outer Banks

Duck Woods Country Club ... sound hoity toity? Elegant and filled with charm, this Outer Banks Club overflowed yesterday with 100+ gracious women and were anything but hoity toity. I laughed and laughed all afternoon. They're a loving group that get together and do good things, like sponsor a scholarship for women in need. They also love to just relax and (here's a new one on me) do a thing called LUSH. Ladies United for Social Harmony ... L.U.S.H. ... In other words, it's just a big ole' happy hour. Love it. No rules. Just fun. How perfect is that!

I was their Guest Speaker yesterday for their Spring Conference. The moment I arrived I was offered a glass of wine and a hugs from members of the board and any woman who happened to be standing near me. Immediately, they wanted to buy books. So before the meeting even started, I had already sold 30 books! Just fantastic. But hold on ... there's more to this story ...

I was a little nervous. I wrote a new speech and decided to deliver it to this group. The reason I chose this group is because women are my true audience. Especially women over 35 or 40. Can I humbly say, it was a huge success! I got a ton of laughs ... which, for me ... made my week! I don't consider myself a humorist, or a comedian to any great degree ... so a room filled with laughter because of something I said, was definitely an honor and a wonderful gift. And then, a shock! A standing ovation. I was so moved and touched. I answered questions afterward, but then before I could even get in line to eat ... I was whisked off to the book table again ... a crowd had gathered to buy the book before I could get to the back of the room!

Of course, Michael was having a ball as he usually does taking money from beautiful women ... Once they heard me speak, those ladies holding off buying decided YES, I've got to have this gal's book! So I sold another 41 books in the afternoon! And come to find out, many of the women there had already bought the book when I spoke at the Outer Banks last November to a different group of business women. Some bought 2 and 3 at a time! Mother's Day presents, one lady even bought extra books for Christmas presents this year!

Thing is, the stories in Southern Fried Women do one simple thing with most women. They resonate. They stir memories that may have been dormant for years. And, they're heartwarming stories set in the South where so many of the women grew up.

Success? You bet your sweet bippie. Whatever a bippie is ... you can bet on it. It's times like these that makes me feel with every ounce of my fiber, this is what I was born to do. Write and speak. I'm good at this. It FITS me. It's an amazing thing when you finally realize you're living your dream.

Some days, the bones creak and the back hurts from sitting so long in my chair. My hormones play havoc with my body ... headaches and aches and pains in places I didn't know existed ... I work hours and hours on my novel, editing, rewriting, working on my book proposal, my query, my synopsis ... it's long and grueling stuff. And then I get a day like yesterday, where I see instant appreciation and love for my work, and all the pain goes right out the window. It's more than a shot in the arm! It's Botox for your self-esteem! Liposuction for your insecurity!

Thank you, ladies of the North Carolina Outer Banks! You've made this old gal's week! You've jolted my heart and made me realize exactly why I do what I do.

Blessings to you and yours.

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